We Are Proud to Have Made a Positive Impact
on Our Members’ Businesses Year After Year

不要相信我们的话? Here’s what our members say about the pg电子游戏平台登录’s:

“Every industry needs an entity watching its back. The pg电子游戏平台登录’s does that for us in countless  ways. They’re helpful on practical matters like client compensation, inspiring employees and keeping us knowledgeable about what’s next. Plus, attending pg电子游戏平台登录’s events are a great reminder of how incredible the people in this business are.”

迈克·谢尔登董事长 & CEO, North America, DEUTSCH

“Agencies have a vital role within the ever-changing marketing ecosystem. Publicis Media values the pg电子游戏平台登录s’ voice on behalf of agencies, their work and their people. The pg电子游戏平台登录s 表示 of our concerns and initiatives in Washington D.C. and beyond is a key factor that helps drive our industry forward.”

— 凯西环Starcom首席执行官

pg电子游戏平台登录的所作所为, 正在做, to support and drive excellence in the agency ecosystem often goes un-said. From positive lobbying in Washington DC [successfully resisting the change in the treatment of advertising in the new corporate tax code]; to raising standards in ad-land [with the formulation of the 广告人保护局 to enforce environments where brands and consumers can coexist with trust; to driving equity-based workplace environments [delivering the Workplace Enlightenment Certificate, 改善访问, 表示, advancement and workplace conditions for marginalized, 弱势群体).”

史蒂夫•威廉姆斯, Essence NA首席执行官


“The pg电子游戏平台登录’s has played a critical role in helping me manage and grow the business through the ups and downs experienced by the majority of agencies over the past few years…The industry experts and pg电子游戏平台登录’s staff that speak to our group have been exceptional and informative.”


“The pg电子游戏平台登录s helps to keep us connected to our industry and our associated colleagues both locally and across the country. We’re provided the opportunity to learn and share with a group who understands the subtleties and idiosyncrasies of the industry. And, it affords opportunities to give back to the agency community and beyond with volunteerism.”

丰富Fabritius, Managing Director, Client Engagement, VMLY&R

“The pg电子游戏平台登录’s has helped us navigate the turbulent changes happening in the advertising ecosystem.  Understanding issues such as the implications of new data privacy laws, 咨询公司的增长, and evolving procurement processes has been critical to our business.”


“We’ve been a pg电子游戏平台登录 member for over 60 years. Many of our best practices have come from other pg电子游戏平台登录 agencies and have been customized to our situation.”


“At BARKER, we consider the pg电子游戏平台登录’s to be a partner in our business. Running an agency gets tougher every year, so we have to ensure at all times that we are current with Best Practice in 操作, 工资的趋势, 定价方法, 及新业务. The pg电子游戏平台登录’s publishes comprehensive reports, 具有非凡的研究能力, 举办有价值的研讨会和论坛, and they’re always just a phone call away.”

约翰·巴克, Founder and Chief Idea Officer, BARKER

“4a最能帮助我们的是拥有智慧, passionate people we can consult…to provide steering and insights to help manage our agency.”


“The pg电子游戏平台登录’s continuously provides expertise, support and analysis that has helped our agency win in the very saturated US agency landscape. We have found success in using the pg电子游戏平台登录’s as a business consultancy to help guide all parts of our agency from new business research to global contract negotiations.”

梅根·哈里斯, SYZYGY董事总经理

“This past Fall we had an opportunity to pitch a national piece of business in a category with which we were not totally familiar. The pg电子游戏平台登录’s Management Information Services group was able to provide specific industry data leading to insight that helped us win the account, 也是一个很好的创收机会.”


“If you’re note a pg电子游戏平台登录’s member, you’re just playing house. pg电子游戏平台登录公司拥有丰富的资源, 的关系, and dialogue necessary to be on the cutting edge of all things marketing, 人才, 以及代理管理.”


pg电子游戏平台登录’s provides an extremely valuable learning tool in Forum 13. Our meetings are stimulating, informative, challenging, thought-provoking and inspiring.”


在过去的12年里, we’ve guided 22squared through a major transformation and a period of exponential growth…The community and resources created by the pg电子游戏平台登录s were invaluable in helping us navigate… the pg电子游戏平台登录s network will continue to be an invaluable resource to all of us the advertising industry.”
理查德·沃德董事长 & 首席执行官,22平方


会员 in the pg电子游戏平台登录’s is by application and by election after the applicant meets the requirements and agrees to the code of conduct. 在收到申请后, the agency and financial materials are reviewed and voting takes place. 这个过程需要2-4周.

Dues are based on a member’s annual gross income, for the calendar year immediately preceding the pg电子游戏平台登录’s fiscal year, 从4月1日到3月31日. Dues are pro-rated based on the date your membership commences.


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感兴趣? 我们的人跟你们的人谈过了吗. 请填写询盘. We’re happy to answer questions or get a meeting on your calendar to discuss.
